
Using DBT Skills to Nurture Authenticity and Respect in Relationships

Using DBT Skills to Nurture Authenticity and Respect in Relationships

In any relationship, balance is key. We want our teens to experience both the joy of connecting with others and the confidence of staying true to themselves. Relationships are a two-way street, and a healthy connection requires both giving and receiving in a way that feels good to everyone involved.

Teaching Your Teen DBT “What” Skills for Emotional Regulation

Teaching Your Teen DBT “What” Skills for Emotional Regulation

Emotion regulation is a crucial life skill, and as a parent, you play a vital role in helping your teen develop it. One effective way to teach this skill is through DBT’s “What” skills—Observe, Describe, and Participate. These skills teach teens how to engage with their emotions and experiences mindfully, helping them stay grounded and make thoughtful choices even in difficult moments.