
Fostering Positive Body Image In Your Teen

Fostering Positive Body Image In Your Teen

It’s no secret that many people of all ages struggle with body image.

From constant diet ads, to overly edited and airbrushed models, to influencers selling “skinny teas” and intense workout plans – diet culture is pervasive. And teens are even more susceptible to its pressures.

3 Phrases to Build a Positive Mindset + Boost Self-Esteem in Your Teen

3 Phrases to Build a Positive Mindset + Boost Self-Esteem in Your Teen

It's human to give more attention to pain and difficulty than to positive experiences.

Your teen likely has neutral or positive interactions and experiences in the majority of their day, but if one person gave them a "look" or said something critical, it becomes the ONLY thing they can focus on for the rest of the day.