Teen Mood Swings: Learn What’s Typical

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Does your teenager ever shift their mood so quickly that it makes you wish that mood rings were back in style again? At least with a mood ring, you would know what to expect when interacting with your teen.

Fortunately, while your teen’s mood swings may be a bit frustrating to navigate, they are natural. You do not need to worry if your teen experiences mood wings from time to time. Remember, there was a time when you had mood swings, too! 

There are multiple different factors that contribute to mood swings, like hormones, brain chemistry and development, and emotion regulation.

As your teen’s body continues to change and produce more hormones, these physiological and physiological changes can affect your teen’s emotions. As your teen’s brain is still developing, so they haven’t been able to fully learn how to regulate these big emotions, they can experience strong emotional reactions and mood swings.

Warning signs to consider

Although it is normal for your teen to experience mood swings, it is also important for you to keep an eye out for any signs that show that what your teen is experiencing goes beyond typical teen moodiness.

Here are some important signs to keep in mind:

  • Persistent sadness. If your teen experiences sadness over a period of at least two weeks, it could be a sign of depression.

  • Unusual behavior. If your teen is behaving in a way that is out of character, that is a red flag that something bigger is going on.

  • Extreme mood switches. If your teen has really high highs and really low lows and seems to switch between these two extremes frequently, it can be a sign of bipolar disorder or another mood disorder.

  • Self-harm or expressing suicidal thoughts and feelings. If your teen says they want to kill themselves or they engage in life-threatening behavior, this is an indicator that they are facing an issue much larger than their mood.

  • Drug or alcohol abuse. If your teen is abusing substances, it may be a sign that they are having trouble coping with their emotions.

If you notice any of these signs, you may need to consider professional help and treatment options to help your teen.

Navigating your teen’s mood swings

Even if your teen’s mood swings only fall into the range of what is typically for teens their age, navigating these mood swings can pose a challenge and put a strain on your relationship.

Knowing different strategies to help deal with your teen’s mood swings can create a more positive experience for both you and your teen.

Here are a few ways you can help your teen and maintain your sanity when they are going through mood swings:

  • Offer support. It’s important that your teen knows that they can come and talk to you without judgment when their feelings are overwhelming. Make space for them to share with you and be willing to offer them the support they need to know that they are not alone.

  • Provide creative outlets for expression. Creative activities like drawing, painting, making music, or journaling can provide a way for teens to process and express the emotions they are experiencing.

  • Practice active listening. When your teen does come to you with their problems, remove distractions and show them that you are listening through your body language and verbal cues.

  • Teach your teen to wait for a beat before acting. All too often, teens make impulsive decisions based on the strong feelings they are experiencing. Teach your teen to wait a moment and let their intense emotions pass before they act.

  • Normalize their mood swings. When your teen feels like they are the only one experiencing mood swings, it can make them feel bad about themselves. Try using group therapy or talking about your own emotions to help your teens realize that they are not going through their mood swings alone.

  • Offer space. When your teen is trying to navigate their big emotions, they might need a bit of time and space to process their feelings. It is normal for them to want this space, and it can be helpful for you to give them the opportunity to think about their feelings on their own before you step in to help.

Dealing with your teen’s mood swings can certainly be a cause of frustration, but they are also a part of life. Learning tips to help them process their feelings can go a long way toward reducing the negative impact of these mood swings and strengthening the relationship between you and your teen.