Navigating Teenage Turbulence: A Compassionate Approach to High-Risk Behaviors

teen counseling and therapy in Flourtown, PA

Your teen is engaging in high-risk behaviors. Perhaps they are abusing substances or showing signs of self-harm. As a parent, your first reaction is fear. You're scared for their safety and well-being. These behaviors are alarm bells, signaling that something deeper is amiss.

The Heightened Fear and Uncertainty

This fear is compounded by the frustration and helplessness you might feel. Traditional parenting methods don’t seem to work. Conversations turn into confrontations. You might notice that your teen is increasingly withdrawn or agitated. The more you try to reach out, the more they seem to pull away. The possibility that they might harm themselves becomes a constant, haunting concern.

Employing Distraction Skills and Comprehensive Assessment

Step 1: Distraction through DBT Accepts Skills

This is where the DBT Accepts skill becomes crucial. It’s about providing immediate relief and safety. The acronym "ACCEPTS" stands for Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing away, Thoughts, and Sensations, offering various ways to distract and soothe.

For example, engaging your teen in an activity they love can serve as an effective distraction. This could be anything from a sport they enjoy to a creative hobby. The goal is not to ignore the problem but to create a space where emotions can stabilize, reducing the immediate risk of harm.

Step 2: Understanding the Underlying Issues

Once there is some emotional stability, it’s crucial to understand what's driving these high-risk behaviors. This is where our signature assessment process at Creative Healing comes into play. We don’t rush into solutions. First, we aim to understand the problem in its entirety.

This assessment process involves looking beyond the behaviors themselves and exploring underlying issues such as emotional distress, peer pressure, or mental health challenges. It's a compassionate approach that acknowledges the teen's struggle and seeks to understand their perspective.

Step 3: Tailored Interventions and Ongoing Support

With a clear understanding of the root causes, we can then tailor interventions that address these specific issues. This might involve individual therapy, a skills group or other specialized services. Throughout this process, we maintain a focus on safety and emotional stabilization, ensuring that interventions are not only effective but also sustainable.

A Path Forward

Navigating your teen's high-risk behaviors can be a daunting task, but you don't have to do it alone. By employing DBT strategies like distraction and engaging in a thorough assessment process, you can create a safe environment for your teen to express and work through their challenges. At Creative Healing, we are committed to guiding families through these difficult times with understanding, compassion, and expertise. Remember, the journey to healing begins with understanding and stabilizing - the rest follows.