Empowering Parents for Lasting Change

We offer DBT Skills Group for caregivers of teens struggling with depression, suicidal thoughts, or self-harm behaviors

Discover Hope and Transformation

"I finally feel hope that things could actually change."

We've heard this statement time and time again from parents who have participated in our DBT Parenting Skills Group. If you're the parent of an emotionally sensitive teen, you may be all too familiar with the range of emotions you experience:

Anger and Frustration: Feeling angry about your teen's reactions or at your partner for contributing to problematic behaviors.

Guilt and Self-Doubt: Feeling guilty for what you have or haven't done to help your teen, navigating the overwhelming realm of parent guilt.

Grief and Loss: Feeling grief that your teen isn't the child you envisioned, and struggling with the gap between expectations and reality.

Hopelessness and Helplessness: Feeling frustrated that nothing seems to work, despite therapy, groups, and hospitalizations, leading to a sense of hopelessness and helplessness.

DBT Parenting Skills Group: Practical Tools for Lasting Change

Our DBT Parenting Skills Group provides you with the practical tools and framework to confidently support your teen. You will learn how to respond effectively to overwhelm, emotional outbursts, and avoidance, enabling you to guide your teen towards healthier choices and put an end to self-destructive behaviors.

DBT Parent Group

The Details:

Commitment: DBT Parenting Skills Group is a comprehensive 12-week series consisting of 90-minute group sessions. We believe in the effectiveness of this program, which is why we ask for a minimum attendance of at least 10 out of 12 consecutive sessions to ensure optimal outcomes.

Parent Intake Session: A parent intake session is mandatory before joining the group. This session allows us to gather information, understand your family concerns, and tailor our approach accordingly.

Investment: The cost to join is $75 per week for 12 weeks. For co-parenting couples, a discount is available, with a rate of $100 for both parents attending.

Empower Yourself as a Parent: Unlock Lasting Change

In our DBT Parenting Skills Group, you will gain valuable skills and insights that will transform your approach to parenting:

Improved Communication: Learn how to respond effectively to your teen's intense emotions, gaining the know-how to create a supportive environment that truly works.

Stress Management: Differentiate between typical behavior and cause for concern, equipping yourself with self-soothing techniques to navigate challenging moments and ease parental stress.

Understanding Your Teen: Discover the reasons behind your teen's responses and behaviors, equipping yourself with the tools to parent like a therapist and create genuine and lasting behavior changes.

Join Our 12-Week Group: Online Sessions for Your Convenience

Our DBT Parenting Skills Group meets online for 12 weeks, every Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 pm. Take the first step towards transformation and gain the support you need to navigate your teen's challenges with confidence and resilience.

Click the button below to learn more about our DBT Parenting Skills Group and embark on a journey of growth, understanding, and lasting change as a parent. Together, we can make a difference in your teen's life.