Embrace Confidence and Self-Acceptance

We offer a Body Acceptance Group to empower individuals to embrace their bodies and foster a positive self-image.

The Pressure to Conform

Did you know that only 5% of people have the body type represented in most advertising? Yet, society bombards us with a thin ideal, leading teens to draw conclusions that they don't measure up to a standard of beauty that makes them feel worthy.

Research conducted in 1995 revealed that just 3 minutes spent looking at models in a fashion magazine left 70% of individuals feeling depressed, guilty, and ashamed of their bodies.

Now, imagine the impact of scrolling through social media all day, constantly exposed to the manufactured and filtered highlight reels of celebrities and peers.

Breaking Free from Unrealistic Beauty Ideals

Teen Eating Disorder Treatment

Our evidence-based group, supported by over two decades of research, provides a safe space for individuals to address the impact of societal beauty ideals and rewrite the narrative from body-shaming to body positivity. In this group, we focus on:

  1. Developing Self-Confidence: Learn practical tools and techniques to enhance your self-confidence, allowing you to embrace your unique beauty and feel comfortable in your own skin.

  2. Cultivating Self-Compassion: Discover the power of self-compassion and learn to treat yourself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance, fostering a positive relationship with your body.

  3. Creating a Healthy Body Image: Engage in transformative activities and discussions that challenge societal beauty standards, helping you develop a healthy and realistic perception of your body and fostering a positive body image.

Group Details

Duration: Each group session lasts 60 minutes, with time for meaningful discussions, skill-building exercises, practicing new skills, and personal support.

Curriculum: Our carefully crafted 12-week program covers a wide range of topics and techniques, empowering teens to manage emotions, develop coping strategies, and foster personal growth.

Intake Assessment: Prior to group placement, we conduct an intake assessment to ensure the best fit for your unique needs and goals. This assessment allows us to tailor the group experience accordingly.

Group Pricing: The cost per group session is $50.

Embrace Your True Reflection: Start Today!

Stop tearing the image in the mirror to shreds and start embracing your authentic self. Click the button below to learn more about our Body Acceptance Group. Together, we will help you break free from the cycle of self-loathing and comparisonitis, nurturing confidence, self-compassion, and a positive body image. It's time to rewrite the narrative and embark on a journey of self-acceptance. Join us and discover the beauty that lies within you.