Mindful Meditation: Why the Greatest Medicine for the Mind is not just a “Fad” (and how to encourage a mindful practice in your teen!)


Between going to school, maintaining social relationships, completing chores, finishing homework, and participating in extracurricular activities and after-school jobs, it can be hard for teens to find the time to stop and smell the roses. 

It doesn’t help that at every moment there is something vying for their attention. In the span of a minute, your teen can receive several Snapchat messages and texts, watch a video on TikTok, check an email, and watch part of a show on Netflix.

With the constant work and noise and distractions around them, many teens don’t take the time to quiet their minds and get in touch with themselves. This can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety, and it is not healthy for anyone, especially teenagers.

To improve and maintain their mental health, it is important for teenagers to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness helps reduce anxiety, increase self-regulation, and boost emotional intelligence, and it allows teens to focus on the present moment instead of their stressors.

Teens can practice mindfulness by observing, describing, and participating fully in the present moment. This can be through guided meditation or deep breathing exercises. As long as your teen is focusing on one thing at a time and allowing their thoughts and observations to flow freely without judgment, it will help them stay mindful in a world of endless distractions.

Because your teen has a lot to gain from adopting a mindfulness practice, it can make a significant difference in their lives if you encourage them to regularly take the time to engage in mindfulness activities.

Here are a few ways to help your teen start practicing mindfulness:

Teach your teen the benefits of mindfulness

When your teen knows the benefits of practicing mindfulness, it can help them choose to make mindfulness a part of their daily lives. Talk to your teen about how mindfulness has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression while increasing productivity and focus

You can also show them ways that mindfulness can help release anxiety and tension so that they can have an easier time managing their emotions, getting adequate rest at night, and coping with negative situations that may come their way.

Making your teen aware of the physical, mental, and emotional health benefits of mindfulness will help your teen understand why taking moments out of their day to practice mindfulness is valuable.

Establish a routine

While studies have shown that it may take more than the commonly recommended 21 days to form a habit, one of the best ways to start developing a habit is to establish a routine. Encourage your teen to make mindfulness a part of their daily routine so that they will eventually start to practice mindfulness with comfort and ease.

Whether it’s going through breathing exercises for five minutes after they wake up or completing a quick guided meditation right after they brush their teeth before bed, making mindfulness a routine will help them eventually get in the habit of being mindful each and every day.

Find a mindfulness meditation app

There are countless meditation apps that provide all the tools and tips your teen needs to practice mindful meditation.

Encourage your teen to use user-friendly apps like Headspace or Calm which offer guided meditation, meditation streaks, mindfulness exercises, and other features that will make meditation a hassle-free experience.

Find an app that your teen finds fun and simple to use, and it will make it a lot easier for you to help your teen practice mindfulness on a consistent basis.

Join them!

Mindful meditation can provide a great bonding opportunity for you and your teen. Spending time meditating together will allow you to connect with one another while helping you and your teen develop a regular mindfulness practice.

Try setting a specific window of time each week to set aside distractions and focus on mindful meditation. This will allow both you and your teen to reap the benefits of mindfulness and grow closer in the meantime.

Although practicing mindfulness might seem like it is just a fad or an exercise that people try to feel “trendy,” it is a valuable practice that can make a  meaningful difference in your teen’s life. If your teen is wrestling with anxiety, depression, emotional regulation, or problem behaviors, engaging in mindful meditation and other mindfulness activities can have a positive impact and lead to lasting change.