Overcoming Exam Anxiety: A Guide to Using DBT's Coping Ahead Skill

The DBT Coping Ahead skill is crafted to assist individuals in anticipating emotionally charged situations and planning their response beforehand. Recognizing potential triggers and practicing coping mechanisms can significantly diminish the impact of these situations, minimizing the risk of overwhelming emotions or conflicts.

Coping Ahead in the Real World

As Jamie prepares for a mid-term exam that constitutes 50% of her overall grade, she feels the weight of expectation mounting. The pressure to perform well triggers anxiety, escalating to the brink of panic. Recognizing these signs, Jamie decides it's time to engage in self-soothing techniques and devise a plan to Cope Ahead, aware that unchecked anxiety could detrimentally affect her exam performance.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Coping Ahead

  • Identify the Emotional Situation: Jamie identifies the looming exam as a significant stressor.

  • Select Coping Strategies: She chooses coping strategies such as paced breathing and physical grounding techniques like curling her toes and squeezing then releasing her fists. Jamie also plans to bring water to the exam, using cool sips as a method to stay regulated.

  • Visualize and Rehearse: With eyes closed, Jamie visualizes the exam setting, acknowledging the sensations of anxiety. She then envisions herself employing her coping strategies, imagining a successful completion of the test while managing her anxiety effectively.

The Impact of Coping Ahead

Through advanced practice, Jamie acknowledges the emotional hurdles associated with taking a major exam and imagines herself using coping strategies to navigate these challenges efficiently. This technique, akin to the strategies used by professional athletes before a significant event, enhances her preparedness and performance, demonstrating the profound effect of Coping Ahead.